Monday, February 14, 2011


Yea ill admit,  I've been slackin a lot lately on the site considering we haven't had a new update in the new year yet and its been cold and miserable outside so I haven't had any motivation to do much of anything. However, Mike, Frank, and myself just made a trip out to Ohio this past weekend to meet up with the best people ever aka JBMX and Zach Ward. It was an awesome time as always, we rode a park called evo on Friday night than rode Rays from open to close (thanks to frank for waking us up at 7am). We rented a GoPro camera when we were there and got a few clips with it, which frank should be making a little edit with in the near future, I also manage to take a couple photos so check them out after the jump! Big thanks to Johnny for letting us stay at his house! And thanks to everyone else who made this trip a great time!

Zach Ward curve wall

Mike doin work

JBMX photo!

JBMX 12 hours later